In this page you can view the latest still photos from the various webcams around the resort, on the Zermatt mountains, the village of Zermatt and Cervinia & Valtournenche in Italy.
Zermatt Mountains
Webcams and latest stills from the mountains around Zermatt.

Webcams and latest stills from the village of Zermatt.

Cervinia / Valtournenche (Italy)
Webcams and latest stills from the Italian side of the resort.
Plateau Rosa
Plain Maison

Check the following links to get information on current Zermatt weather, regional weather forecats, snow conditions and ski runs status for Matterhorn Ski Paradise.
Essential information:
Zermatt avalanche danger level map
The official Swiss avalanche danger map.
Useful forecasts:
10 day precipitation forecast
These charts provide and indication of expected precipitation.
5 day precipitation forecast
This is a 5 day model showing the projected evolution of the weather of the period.
Current snowfall radar
Check where most snow is falling in real time.
Wetterstationen KM
View a pictogram showing the weather over the next 4 days at the Klein Matterhorn top lift station.
Swiss 2 day forecast
A 2 day forcast of the weather in Switzerland.
French weather report (covering the alps)
Another perspective… a very detailed report.
Current snow situation:
This chart shows the latest snowfalls in Switzerland.
This chart shows the snow level in Switzerland.
Italian 5 day forecast
Snow forecast for the Val D’Aosta region.

Please get in touch and we will be happy to assist you with more information about the resort and skiing in Zermatt. As a Zermatt specialist, we have a knowledgeable and experienced bookings team ready to help you with all the details needed to make the best choice of accommodation in Zermatt.